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Notes for monolg contributors

Unit tests

The unittests for this library is written using pytest. The configs for the tests module can be found in the root of the project as pyproject.toml.

Now most of the tests for this project can be performed without any hiccup, but when it comes to testing with the MongoDB conection, we'd have to rely on Docker or the CICD pipelines. So by default the script that tests monolg in presence of the MongoDB database, will stay excluded. So,

To run the tests (excluding MongoDB available scenario) do the following

pytest tests -v --cov

If we explicitly want to run the script that tests the Monolg class at its fullest extend, do the following

pytest tests/ -v --cov


The script is written for scenarios where MongoDB is available, which is why the file is excluded pyproject.toml file.


Following the different pytest markers used in this test suite.

Marker Description Test script
schema Project's schema related unittests tests/
configs Tests for the configuration file & the keys tests/
utils Tests for the utility metthods tests/
monolg Tests for the class Monolg tests/

To test any using particular marker do the following, for example take configs

pytest -v -m configs


More on contributing to documentation here

The documentation for this project uses mkdocs-material, after cloning the repository locally do the following to serve/build the docs.

mkdocs serve
mkdocs build

If you serve the docs using mkdocs serve you'll find the documentation running on your localhost:8000.

Last update: December 29, 2022
Created: October 26, 2022